Sportsman Packs
Fishing Gear
for the Allagash
Story by Scott
Portland Press Harold
February 21, 1962
Sanford, Maine -
One of the most enthusiastic participants in next
weekends snowmobile through the Allagash region
directed by a Yarmouth man, will be sportsman and
Police Officer Jack Sevigny.
For Jack is no
stranger to that remote and unpopulated which has
become so controversial in recent years. He has
made annual hunting and fishing trips both alone
and with party of other local outdoor
Additional fuel
tanks are being added to Jack's sled this week
and gear is piling up for the outing.
Among the
equipment expected to be included into Jacks
personal answer to the job of manually pulling up
fishing lines.
He has developed
a battery powered fishing device which at the
touch of a button snaps the hooked fish right out
of the water - and at a choice of speeds.
Jack devised his
tackle so that the line could be brought up
quickly or more slowly. A jiggling steel spring
notifies the fisherman when the fish has taken
the bait.
Jack reported
that the device was especially good in cases
where a good hand of cards is held. The fish can
be landed without even missing a bid.
Another very
necessary and useful piece of Jacks equipment
will include a miniature gasoline stove above the
size of a large mans hand.
The stove, which
Jack has used for 30 years, will double as a
heater for his snowmobile and a cook stove for
his meals.
In fact,
according to Jack, the snowmobile equipped with
the hood, makes it possible and comfortable to go
ice fishing without the use of as fishing shack.
Jack can set out
a line of fishing lines and make the rounds
swiftly and comfortably in any weather on any
Police Officer
Police Officer Jack Sevigny's snowmobile he used
to ice fish. This sled is pictured in the
Northern Timber Cruisers Snowmobile Museum. You
may click on the photo for a larger size. |